I'm using mPDF in CodeIgniter.
here is my lib (pdf.php)
class pdf {
function pdf()
$CI = & get_instance();
log_message('Debug', 'mPDF class is loaded.');
function load($param=NULL)
include_once APPPATH.'/third_party/mpdf/mpdf.php';
if ($params == NULL)
$param = '"en-GB-x","A4","","",10,10,10,10,6,3,"L"';
return new mPDF($param);
this is my controller
$filename = 'qwerty';
// As PDF creation takes a bit of memory, we're saving the created file in /downloads/reports/
$pdfFilePath = FCPATH."reports\\" . $filename . ".pdf";
//$data['page_title'] = 'Hello world'; // pass data to the view
if(file_exists($pdfFilePath) == TRUE)
$pdfFilePath = FCPATH."reports\\" . $filename . $i . ".pdf";
} else {
break 1;
$html = $this->load->view('certificate/certificate', $isi,TRUE); // render the view into HTML
$pdf = $this->pdf->load($param);
\$pdf = $this->pdf->load();
$pdf->Output($pdfFilePath, 'F'); // save to file because we can
even with that config ($param
), the result still give me portrait file, thus, CSS inside is pretty messed up.
What should I do?