create Scalaz equal instance on class with subtype

2019-06-26 02:59发布


I have the following simple ADT, how would I implement an instance of the equality typeclass without resorting to explicitly pattern matching all possible combinations?

import scalaz._
import Scalaz._

sealed trait Billinginfo
case class CreditCard(number: Int, holder: String, Address: String) extends Billinginfo
case object COD extends Billinginfo
case class Invoice(cId: String) extends Billinginfo

object Billinginfo{

  implicit val BillingEqual = Equal.equal[Billinginfo]{(b1,b2) =>
    (b1,b2) match {
      case (Invoice(c1), Invoice(c2)) => c1 === c2
      case (CreditCard(a,b,c), CreditCard(d,e,f)) =>
        a === d &&
        b === e &&
        c === f //writing exhaustive match would be tedious


You've got (at least) two options. One is to use "natural" equality. If you don't have any custom types for case class members this should work just fine:

implicit val BillingEqual: Equal[Billinginfo] = Equal.equalA[Billinginfo]

Or you could use Shapeless's type class instance derivation:

import shapeless._
import scalaz.{ Coproduct => _, :+: => _, _ }, Scalaz._

object EqualDerivedOrphans extends TypeClassCompanion[Equal] {
  object typeClass extends TypeClass[Equal] {
    def product[H, T <: HList](eh: Equal[H], et: Equal[T]): Equal[H :: T] =
      tuple2Equal(eh, et).contramap {
        case h :: t => (h, t)

    def project[A, B](b: => Equal[B], ab: A => B, ba: B => A): Equal[A] =

    def coproduct[L, R <: Coproduct](
      el: => Equal[L],
      er: => Equal[R]
    ): Equal[L :+: R] = eitherEqual(el, er).contramap {
      case Inl(l) => Left(l)
      case Inr(r) => Right(r)

    val emptyProduct: Equal[HNil] = Equal.equal((_, _) => true)
    val emptyCoproduct: Equal[CNil] = Equal.equal((_, _) => true)

import EqualDerivedOrphans._

This will derive Equal instances for any case classes that have Equal instances for all their members.

Or of course you could enumerate the cases, which isn't actually that terrible:

implicit val BillingEqual = Equal.equal[Billinginfo] {
  case (Invoice(c1), Invoice(c2)) => c1 === c2
  case (CreditCard(a, b, c), CreditCard(d, e, f)) =>
    a === d && b === e && c === f
  case (COD, COD) => true
  case _ => false

Note that you don't need the extra level of matching on the tuple.

标签: scala scalaz