I can query for all builds within a TeamProject as follows:
var bServer = teamProjectCollection.GetService<IBuildServer>();
IBuildDetail[] builds = bServer.QueryBuilds("myTeamProject");
This yields all builds
within the given myTeamProject
. But I am only interested in yesterday's builds.
I can obviously filter after I 've gotten the results within builds
Still I am wondering if there exists an overload of QueryBuilds()
to get builds within a provided timespan.
In my original TFS build solution, a custom code activity would get catch the BuildDetail
properties that are important to us & would add them in an Excel sheet using Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.
This was rather convenient, since it took place during Build & our "BuildLog.xls" was always up-to-date.
Unfortunately this lead to this issue, so I had to remove the code activity & I am currently implementing Plan B: A console application scheduled to kick-in once a day, that queries for yesterday's builds & adds them in my Excel file.