
Change Confirm options in botframework Formflow

2019-06-25 23:59发布


I have created a formflow in botframework. I want to change the confirmation options, by default it takes 'Yes' and 'No'. but i want it to proceed instead 'Yes', even if user inputs 'OK', 'Ya', 'Yeah' etc. how i can add options for confirmation


You need to add the new terms to the Yes array of the FormBuilder configuration. Something like:

public static IFormBuilder<T> CreateCustomForm<T>()
    where T : class
    var form = new FormBuilder<T>();
    var yesTerms = form.Configuration.Yes.ToList();
    form.Configuration.Yes = yesTerms.ToArray();

    return form;

That then you can use like:

 return CreateCustomForm<MyForm>()

The reason of this would be something like the following:

The Confirmation field, set it's type to bool. At some point, a recognizer is defined for the field, based on it's type. In this, case, the Confirmation field will use the RecognizeBool recognizer.

The recognizer uses the Yes/No arrays defined in the form's configuration (which initially they are retrieved from the resource file) for doing the parsing.

When the Confirmation field is added to the Form, a ConfirmStep step is also added. The ConfirmStep is the one that later in the game ends up calling the recognizer to do the matching and parsing of the terms.