I have the download process that consists of 3 consecutive operations: preProcess
, downloading
, postProcess
. Each operation has asynchronous nature (preProcess
calls API, downloading
waits file to be downloaded etc). UI have to display which operations is executing (eg. "preparing...", "downloading...", "unpacking...").
I see whole process as Observable
that emits current status of whole operation. Each operation is also an observable, that emits his status in the start of executions and completes after execution.
Observable.OnSubscribe<DownloadStatus>() {
public void call(Subscriber<? super DownloadStatus> subscriber) {
.subscribe(new Action1<File>() {
public void call(File file) {
Observable<DownloadStatus> mDonwloadingOperation = Observable.create(new Observable.OnSubscribe<DownloadStatus>() {
public void call(final Subscriber<? super DownloadStatus> subscriber) {
.subscribe(new Action1<File>() {
public void call(File file) {
Observable<DownloadStatus> mPosProcessOperation = Observable.create(new Observable.OnSubscribe<DownloadStatus>() {
public void call(Subscriber<? super DownloadStatus> subscriber) {
.subscribe(new Action1<File>() {
public void call(File file) {
On the one hand each operation should wait until previous operations completes. On the other hand subscriber need to receive each emitted status (eg. PRE_PROCESS -> DOWNLOADING -> POST_PROCESS -> onComplete)
I cannot use merge
because each operation should depend on completion of previous one.
I cannot use flatMap
because i don't know how to propagate emitted status. I think that Subject
could be the solution, but i also don't know how to propagate emitted status.
How can I solve such problem with rxJava? Thank for any ideas/clues.