Any Android Market API from Google? [closed]

2019-01-12 05:45发布


Not sure if its a possible duplicate. If so please merge to the appropriate.

I am looking for Google Market API that can pull the following information:

  1. List of categories (in Apps, Books, Movies) in the Google Market
  2. List of Top free apps/books/movies (by no. of downloads, ratings etc.) in a given category.
  3. List of Top Paid apps/books/movies (by no. of downloads, ratings etc.) in a given category.

Is there an official Google Market API available?

I came across the below project but the feature set it provides doesn't support this functionality.

Any help is highly appreciated.


Yes there is, check out for more info. Supports lookup, search and top rankings per country

Update: 42matters Google Charts API - now collects daily snapshots of top lists for 45 countries. Enjoy!

Disclaimer: I am part of the 42matters team


These may be a little bit helpful for you..

  • How to fetch Android Market data when there is no API?

  • How do I use the unofficial Android Market API?
