我怎么可以标记一个Tkinter的文本组件的一部分作为只读? 也就是说,我希望能够允许编辑只在小部件的某些部分。 例如,我想允许编辑后,才提示,但在此之前,模拟控制台。
Answer 1:
最防弹解决方案是拦截低层插入和删除指令,把逻辑在里面,防止插入和删除基于某种标准。 例如,你可以禁止具有标签“只读”的任何文本范围内的编辑。
下面是这种技术的一个例子。 它需要的事实,即所有的插入和删除最终调用优势insert
潜在的TK组件命令的子命令,并且该组件命令可以用一个Tcl PROC被替换的事实。
# python 2.x
import Tkinter as tk
except ImportError:
# python 3.x
import tkinter as tk
class Example(tk.Frame):
def __init__(self, parent):
tk.Frame.__init__(self, parent)
text = ReadonlyText(self)
sb = tk.Scrollbar(self, orient="vertical", command=text.yview)
sb.pack(side="left", fill="y")
text.pack(side="right", fill="both", expand=True)
text.insert("end", "You can edit this line\n")
text.insert("end", "You cannot edit or delete this line\n", "readonly")
text.insert("end", "You can edit this, too.")
text.tag_configure("readonly", foreground="darkgray")
class ReadonlyText(tk.Text):
'''A text widget that doesn't permit inserts and deletes in regions tagged with "readonly"'''
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
tk.Text.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
# this code creates a proxy that will intercept
# each actual insert and delete.
# this code replaces the low level tk widget
# with the proxy
widget = str(self)
rename {widget} _{widget}
interp alias {{}} ::{widget} {{}} widget_proxy _{widget}
if {[llength [info commands widget_proxy]] == 0} {
# Tcl code to implement a text widget proxy that disallows
# insertions and deletions in regions marked with "readonly"
proc widget_proxy {actual_widget args} {
set command [lindex $args 0]
set args [lrange $args 1 end]
if {$command == "insert"} {
set index [lindex $args 0]
if [_is_readonly $actual_widget $index "$index+1c"] {
return ""
if {$command == "delete"} {
foreach {index1 index2} $args {
if {[_is_readonly $actual_widget $index1 $index2]} {
return ""
# if we passed the previous checks, allow the command to
# run normally
$actual_widget $command {*}$args
proc _is_readonly {widget index1 index2} {
# return true if any text in the range between
# index1 and index2 has the tag "readonly"
set result false
if {$index2 eq ""} {set index2 "$index1+1c"}
# see if "readonly" is applied to any character in the
# range. There's probably a more efficient way to do this, but
# this is Good Enough
for {set index $index1} \
{[$widget compare $index < $index2]} \
{set index [$widget index "$index+1c"]} {
if {"readonly" in [$widget tag names $index]} {
set result true
return $result
def main():
root = tk.Tk()
Example(root).pack(fill="both", expand=True)
if __name__ == "__main__":
文章来源: How can you mark a portion of a text widget as readonly?