Must a C++ implementation set the chars '0'-'9' to have contiguous numeric values, i.e. so that:
'0' -> 0+n
'1' -> 1+n
m -> m+n
'9' -> 9+n
I cannot find it mentioned in the documentation of isdigit
([classification] ( Character classification)) *,
nor can I find it in the locale documentation (but maybe I did not look hard enough).
In 2.3 Character sets, we find that
The basic source character set consists of 96 characters: the space character, the control characters representing horizontal tab, vertical tab, form feed, and new-line, plus the following 91 graphical characters
But it doesn't mention any ordering (but maybe I did not look hard enough).
*: Interesting footnote there:
When used in a loop, it is faster to cache the ctype<> facet and use it directly [instead of isdigit() et al, end comment], or use the vector form of ctype<>::is.