I'm getting an error, see below, when I try to generate a list of the class MappedItem. In short the code example below tries to find products by category, date range and SKU. The requirement I have is that the user should be able to enter a comma separated list of SKUs and the search is to find any product whos SKU starts with one of the SKUs entered by the user. When I run the code, I get.
Local sequence cannot be used in LINQ to SQL implementation of query operators except the Contains() operator.
The abbreviated sequence is this:
Convert the comma separated string of SKUs into a list of strings.
string sku = TextSKU.Text;
List<string> skuList = sku.Split(new char[] { ',' }).ToList();
Define elsewhere in the code the class that will accept the search results.
public class MappedItem
public string ItemDescription { get; set; }
public int ItemCount { get; set; }
public MappedItem()
public MappedItem(string itemDescription, int itemCount)
ItemDescription = itemDescription;
ItemCount = itemCount;
Here's the query that I generate my results from
List<MappedItem> widgetItems = (from c1 in db.CCRCodes
join pac in db.widgetAssignedCodes on c1.code_id equals pac.code_id
join ph in db.widgetHistories on pac.history_id equals ph.history_id
where ph.contact_dt.Value.Date >= startDate && ph.contact_dt.Value.Date <= endDate &&
(string.IsNullOrEmpty(baanCatFam) || ph.baan_cat_family_code == baanCatFam) &&
(string.IsNullOrEmpty(baanCat) || ph.baan_cat_code == baanCat) &&
(string.IsNullOrEmpty(baanSubCat) || (ph.baan_sub_cat_code == baanSubCat)) &&
(string.IsNullOrEmpty(sku) || skuList.All(sl => ph.product_mod.StartsWith(sl)))
group c1 by c1.code_desc into ct
select new MappedItem
ItemDescription = ct.Key.ToUpper(),
ItemCount = ct.Count()
}).OrderByDescending(m => m.ItemCount)
I believe that the culprit is the line of code that I've extracted and displayed below.
skuList.All(sl => ph.product_mod.StartsWith(sl))
This identifies all skus that start with an element from the skuList which is derived from a comma delimited lists of skus entered by the user. My question is, what causes this error, and given the code examples, what do I do to get around them.