Read value from a complex XML structure using SQL

2019-06-25 15:56发布


I am trying to read a value in a SQL Server query out of a XML structure from a column of datatype ntext.

This is the XML structure from which I want to extract VALUE TO READ!!!:

<PrinterProcessDef xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns="" Id="3e62848d-040e-4f4c-a893-ed85a7b2878a" Type="PrinterProcess" ConfigId="c43792ed-1934-454b-a40f-5f4dfec933b0" Enabled="true" PCId="2837f136-028d-47ed-abdc-4103bedce1d2" Timestamp="2016-08-08T09:44:38.532415">
    <Config xmlns:q1="" xsi:type="q1:PrinterProcessConfig" Id="c43792ed-1934-454b-a40f-5f4dfec933b0" />
    <Config xmlns:q2="" xsi:type="q2:RecognizeActConfig" Id="b89a6fc2-5573-4034-978a-752c6c0de4cf">
      <q2:Header DefaultRecognitionTechnology="OCR" DefaultOCRSettingsGuid="00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000">
        <q2:AnchorDefs />
        <q2:ZoneDefs />
        <q2:TableDefs />
          <MetaData xmlns="" FileName="Test - Editor" MimeType="application/pdf" PageCount="1" SourceAppName="C:\Windows\system32\NOTEPAD.EXE" DocumentTitle="Test - Editor" PdfCreator="DocuWare Printer" />
          <Data xmlns="">!!!VALUE TO READ!!!</Data>
    <Config xmlns:q3="" xsi:type="q3:RecognizeActConfig" Id="db5b195d-79e4-4804-bd38-f4fc7e8d5a8d">
    <Config xmlns:q4="" xsi:type="q4:AddOverlayActConfig" Id="023aab08-c6e3-4f08-9d26-0175d1564ef2">
      <q4:Overlays />
    <Config xmlns:q5="" xsi:type="q5:PrintActConfig" Id="4a4ec06a-8652-4777-84d2-53cb862b3328">
    <Config xmlns:q6="" xsi:type="q6:SignActConfig" Id="8c030961-e68e-4c2f-83f1-cac20f51d4d6">
    <Config xmlns:q7="" xsi:type="q7:EmailActConfig" Id="5dbd144b-5c33-407a-b638-e062f9045fb4">
    <Config xmlns:q8="" xsi:type="q8:IndexActConfig" Id="f2a70e07-d76e-4e82-9313-7c665df4c311">
    <Config xmlns:q10="" xsi:type="q10:StoreActConfig" Id="ff8aec66-608e-4dde-a4b6-de65ada39bb0">
    <Config xmlns:q11="" xsi:type="q11:NotifyUserActConfig" Id="7ffb0437-6b8c-4f5f-8f40-434f4a6d609a" />

And this is the SQL query I used:

    CAST([Table].[settings] as xml)
        .value('declare namespace q2="";

All I get returned is a NULL and not hoped-for VALUE TO READ!!!.

What should I do to get the query working?

I also tried different versions without namespace declaration and others but I always get NULL.


All your elements have namespaces defined. You need declare and specify them according to definitions

SELECT CAST([Table].[settings] as xml).value(
   'declare namespace top="";
    declare namespace q2="";
    declare namespace nd="";
FROM [DB].[dbo].[Table]


You forgot namespaces declared with xmlns attribute. Take a look at following example:

DECLARE @xml xml = 'yourXml'

SELECT @xml.value('
declare namespace q2="";
declare namespace g="";
declare namespace qd="";


However this XML is generated, the namespaces are quite strange... You have the same namespaces declared over and over... If I do not get this wrong, the namespaces are not really the way it should be, therefore I would ignore them:

    CAST([Table].[settings] as xml as xml)

Anyway I'd advise you to declare the namespaces within a WITH XMLNAMESPACE rather than within the .value-function. If you ever need more than one value out of this you can create much better to read queries:

                  ,'' AS q2
                  ,'' AS nd)
    CAST([Table].[settings] as xml)

Btw: Using DEFAULT avoids a dummy namespace like top: in other answers...