A while ago I used this answer to implement remote sorting and filtering. Using the format 'associatedModel.associatedModelField', I could easily resolve the expression in my server side code in order to query the database.
While this does the job, I encountered another problem with grouping - which I have configured to be local - the associated models. If I group a column which displays an associated field, I cannot collapse or expand without errors. Doing the same thing for the root model of the grid doesn't throw any errors.
The problem can be reproduced in this fiddle.
The error trace in the console log goes like this:
ext-all-debug.js:198133 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'isModel' of undefined getMetaGroup @ ext-all-debug.js:198133 doCollapseExpand @ ext-all-debug.js:198284 collapse @ ext-all-debug.js:198207 onGroupClick @ ext-all-debug.js:198380 fire @ ext-all-debug.js:20223 doFireEvent @ ext-all-debug.js:21130 doFireEvent @ ext-all-debug.js:64732 prototype.doFireEvent @ ext-all-debug.js:54757 fireEventArgs @ ext-all-debug.js:20983 fireEvent @ ext-all-debug.js:20942 processSpecialEvent @ ext-all-debug.js:188549 processItemEvent @ ext-all-debug.js:188499 processUIEvent @ ext-all-debug.js:168108 handleEvent @ ext-all-debug.js:168061 fire @ ext-all-debug.js:20223 fire @ ext-all-debug.js:32463 publish @ ext-all-debug.js:32439 doDelegatedEvent @ ext-all-debug.js:32489 onDelegatedEvent @ ext-all-debug.js:32476 (anonymous function) @ ext-all-debug.js:6662
In the code I have used the solution as provided above and I also applied for the the grouping feature. It isn't exactly clean code but it works as long as I respect the limits of the fix.
How should I tackle this problem? Based on the type of problem I suppose that means rewriting the whole grouping mechanism but I don't fancy that!