I'm creating a simple WebGL project and need a way to load in models. I decided to use OBJ format so I need a way to load it in. The file is (going to be) stored on the server and my question is: how does one in JS load in a text file and scan it line by line, token by token (like with streams in C++)? I'm new to JS, hence my question. The easier way, the better.
UPDATE: I used your solution, broofa, but I'm not sure if I did it right. I load the data from a file in forEach loop you wrote but outside of it (i.e. after all your code) the object I've been filling data with is "undefined". What am I doing wrong? Here's the code:
var materialFilename;
function loadOBJModel(filename)
// ...
var req = new XMLHttpRequest();
req.open('GET', filename);
req.responseType = 'text';
req.onreadystatechange = function()
if (req.readyState == 4)
var lines = req.responseText.split(/\n/g);
// ...
function readLine(line)
// ...
else if (tokens[0] == "mtllib")
materialFilename = tokens[1];
// ...