ko <!--ko-->
binding and data-bind="visible:sometext" binding
Both binding did the same operation and which one is efficient for use and which one is best
ko <!--ko-->
binding and data-bind="visible:sometext" binding
Both binding did the same operation and which one is efficient for use and which one is best
<!-- ko [binding] -->
allows you to bind to an virtual element.
is a regular binding and can only be applied to actual elements.
The difference is that the first can be used without having to create an element:
<li class="heading">My heading</li>
<!-- ko foreach: items -->
<li data-bind="text: $data"></li>
<!-- /ko -->
Do note that not every binding handler can be applied to an virtual element:
Custom bindings can work with virtual elements too, but to enable this, you must explicitly tell Knockout that your binding understands virtual elements, by using the ko.virtualElements.allowedBindings API.
e.g. :
<!-- ko visible: prop--><!-- /ko -->
e.g. :
<!-- ko if: cond -->
<tr><td>Optionnal line </td></tr>
<!-- /ko -->