
Cannot extract file from ZIP archive created on An

2019-06-25 11:44发布


    OutputStream os = new FileOutputStream(zipFile);
    ZipOutputStream zos = new ZipOutputStream(new BufferedOutputStream(os));
        byte[] buffer = new byte[32768];
        for (VFile src : toPack)            
            ZipEntry entry = new ZipEntry(src.name);
            src.pushToStream(zos, buffer);

我发现,只有一种压缩方法可用- DEFLATED (这里只有STORED可替代)。 这意味着,归档总是与一个方法压缩。

如果我运行在Android 2.3.4这段代码 - 我可以解压缩在Windows中使用7Zip的文件; 如果我在Android上运行3本(或三星Galaxy Tab,不知道谁做是错误的) - 7Zip的显示存档列表,但无法解压缩文件说不受支持的压缩方法 。 与此同时7Zip的显示放气作为文件的压缩方法,这意味着它能够适当地对待它。



UDP:发现了另一个类似的问题主题 (可能是不相同的,虽然)。

Answer 1:

该@ user1269737的答案是正确的; 几乎。 但它仅适用于一个单一的文件档案。 下面是解析整个压缩代码。

* Replace wrong local file header byte
* http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&aid=3477810&group_id=14481&atid=114481
* Applies to Android API 9-13
* @param zip file
* @throws IOException
private static void fixInvalidZipFile(File zip) throws IOException 
    RandomAccessFile r = new RandomAccessFile(zip, "rw");
        long eocd_offset = findEOCDRecord(r);

        if (eocd_offset > 0)
            r.seek(eocd_offset + 16);  // offset of first CDE in EOCD               
            long cde_offset = readInt(r);  // read offset of first Central Directory Entry
            long lfh_offset = 0;
            long fskip, dskip;

            while (true)
                if (readInt(r) != CDE_SIGNATURE)  // got off sync!

                r.seek(cde_offset + 20);  // compressed file size offset                
                fskip = readInt(r);

                // fix the header
                r.seek(lfh_offset + 7);
                short localFlagsHi = r.readByte();  // hi-order byte of local header flags (general purpose)
                r.seek(cde_offset + 9);
                short realFlagsHi = r.readByte();  // hi-order byte of central directory flags (general purpose)
                if (localFlagsHi != realFlagsHi)
                { // in latest versions this bug is fixed, so we're checking is bug exists.
                    r.seek(lfh_offset + 7);

                //  calculate offset of next Central Directory Entry
                r.seek(cde_offset + 28);  // offset of variable CDE parts length in CDE
                dskip = 46;  // length of fixed CDE part
                dskip += readShort(r);  // file name
                dskip += readShort(r);  // extra field
                dskip += readShort(r);  // file comment

                cde_offset += dskip;
                if (cde_offset >= eocd_offset)  // finished!

                // calculate offset of next Local File Header
                r.seek(lfh_offset + 26);  // offset of variable LFH parts length in LFH
                fskip += readShort(r);  // file name
                fskip += readShort(r);  // extra field
                fskip += 30;  // length of fixed LFH part
                fskip += 16;  // length of Data Descriptor (written after file data)

                lfh_offset += fskip;

private static final int LFH_SIGNATURE = 0x04034b50;
private static final int DD_SIGNATURE = 0x08074b50;
private static final int CDE_SIGNATURE = 0x02014b50;
private static final int EOCD_SIGNATURE = 0x06054b50;

/** Find an offset of End Of Central Directory record in file */
private static long findEOCDRecord(RandomAccessFile f) throws IOException
    long result = f.length() - 22; // 22 is minimal EOCD record length
    while (result > 0)

        if (readInt(f) == EOCD_SIGNATURE) return result;

    return -1;

/** Read a 4-byte integer from file converting endianness. */
private static int readInt(RandomAccessFile f) throws IOException
    int result = 0;
    result |= f.read();
    result |= (f.read() << 8);
    result |= (f.read() << 16);
    result |= (f.read() << 24);
    return result;

/** Read a 2-byte integer from file converting endianness. */
private static short readShort(RandomAccessFile f) throws IOException
    short result = 0;
    result |= f.read();
    result |= (f.read() << 8);
    return result;

Answer 2:

需要更新。 它修复单个文件压缩。 你要看看下面的序列中的zip文件{0,0×08,0×08,0×08,0}并且它替换{0,0×08,0×00,0×08,0}

* Replace wrong byte http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&aid=3477810&group_id=14481&atid=114481
* @param zip file
* @throws IOException

private static void replaceWrongZipByte(File zip) throws IOException {
    RandomAccessFile  r = new RandomAccessFile(zip, "rw");
    int flag = Integer.parseInt("00001000", 2); //wrong byte
    int realFlags = r.read();
    if( (realFlags & flag) > 0) { // in latest versions this bug is fixed, so we're checking is bug exists.
        flag = (~flag & 0xff);
        // removing only wrong bit, other bits remains the same.
        r.write(realFlags & flag);


下面的代码将删除ZIP所有错误字节。 KMPMatch.java容易在谷歌找到

public static void replaceWrongBytesInZip(File zip) throws IOException {
    byte find[] = new byte[] { 0, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0 };
    int index;
    while( (index = indexOfBytesInFile(zip,find)) != -1) {
        replaceWrongZipByte(zip, index + 2);

private static int indexOfBytesInFile(File file,byte find[]) throws IOException {
    byte fileContent[] = new byte[(int) file.length()];
    FileInputStream fin = new FileInputStream(file);
    return KMPMatch.indexOf(fileContent, find);

 * Replace wrong byte http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&aid=3477810&group_id=14481&atid=114481
 * @param zip file
 * @throws IOException
private static void replaceWrongZipByte(File zip, int wrongByteIndex) throws IOException {
    RandomAccessFile  r = new RandomAccessFile(zip, "rw");
    int flag = Integer.parseInt("00001000", 2);
    int realFlags = r.read();
    if( (realFlags & flag) > 0) { // in latest versions this bug is fixed, so we're checking is bug exists.
        flag = (~flag & 0xff);
        // removing only wrong bit, other bits remains the same.
        r.write(realFlags & flag);

文章来源: Cannot extract file from ZIP archive created on Android (device/OS specific)
标签: android zip 7zip