Stop asking for password when installing gems

2019-06-25 10:53发布


Whenever I bundle my rails 3.2 gems, it asks me for my password:

Enter your password to install the bundled RubyGems to your system

This gets really annoying, especially when bundling several times in one project. However, when I set the gem directory to world-readable, it always gives me a warning when executing any (!) rails command. This is even more annoying, of course.

How can I turn this off?


Absolutely has to do with the system ruby, not RVM, unless you installed RVM using the Multi-User installation type. If you did that and its still asking you for your password, then you installed as root, strictly against what the listed documentation states, and your general user was not added to the 'rvm' group the installer creates. (NOTE: This is based on the idea that you want a multi-user install, not a single user one. If you want the single user install, not not prefix with sudo when you run the installer.)

Rip out RVM, log out then back in (to ensure a completely fresh reinitialization of the environment), and then rerun the installer command as your regular user, not as root, prefixing with 'sudo' as the documentation instructs.

If you do not have RVM installed, then follow the documentation at to install either as a single user install, or as a multi-user install. In this case, without RVM installed, what Billy Chan described above is your fix, though I would suggest tightening the rules a bit by figuring out which exact set of commands (gem bin names) you need to run on a regular basis and adding entries for those in the sudoers file (visudo).

Right now the problem reads you trying to use the system ruby which *RVM does NOT control (it simply allows you access to it by setting the proper GEM_PATH, RUBY_* environment variables etc), or your RVM multi-user install was done incorrectly.


# install gem with the specified path
bundle install --path vendor/bundle


This depends on whether you want to install gems under system or under your user. If under your current user, you can simply turn this message and asking off by adjusting bundler configuration.

In your project in file .bundle/config add line


So whole config file can look like

BUNDLE_WITHOUT: development:test
BUNDLE_PATH: /home/youruser/gems/


I had this problem with my rails installation. A quick workaround for this is to skip bundle install during project creation like so:

rails new webapp -B

And then you can do:

cd webapp/
mkdir -p vendor/bundle
bundle install --path vendor/bundle

Hope that helps future queries.


The best method: Use RVM. With RVM, you can just run gem <any command> without adding sudo

If you don't want to use RVM, you can still add sudo before the commands. And you can set to prevent sudo to asking password for all commands by:

 $ sudo EDITOR=vim visudo
 # or any editor in your system

Then, edit the doc by adding following line

 # Where username must be replaced by your real username in system

I know it may not be that safe, but it's convenient to use on my own machine.

You can use the above two methods all together like me.