I am trying to write C# code that takes serialport data from a high speed GPS device and parse the data to grab coordinates.
The problem with this compared to other serial GPS devices is that it spits out 5-6 lines of data every 100 milliseconds instead of the same every second. So basically, every 0.1 seconds, I get 5 or 6 lines of data burst, which will last continuously as long as the device is turned on.
When I tried it on a simulated standard-speed GPS device, it works just fine.
This is me getting a 5 line burst once every second. But when it speeds up 10 fold, it stops working. Basically, I get the effect of SerialDataReceivedEventHandler
not triggering at all.
So what is the best way to get a continuous read on what is essentially a superfast serialport dump of data?
My code is below. For you GPS guys, this particular receiver has a baudrate of a non-standard 115200 rather than the standard 4800. I verified that it works with PuTTY as well as off-the-shelf GPS software for Windows.
public List<double[]> coords = new List<double[]>();
SerialPort com;
com = new SerialPort(COMPORT);
com.BaudRate = 115200;
com.DataBits = 8;
com.StopBits = StopBits.One;
com.Handshake = Handshake.None;
com.DataReceived += new SerialDataReceivedEventHandler(DataReceivedHandler);
catch (Exception e)
public void DataReceivedHandler(object sender, SerialDataReceivedEventArgs e)
SerialPort port = (SerialPort)sender;
double longitude = -1000;
double latitude = -1000;
double altitude = -1000;
string sentence = port.ReadLine();
if (sentence.StartsWith("$GPGGA"))
string[] values = sentence.Split(',');
if (values[2].Length > 1 && values.Count() > 10)
latitude = double.Parse(values[2].Substring(0, values[2].IndexOf('.') - 2));
latitude += double.Parse(values[2].Substring(values[2].IndexOf('.') - 2)) / 60;
if (values[3] == "S")
latitude = 0 - latitude;
longitude = double.Parse(values[4].Substring(0, values[4].IndexOf('.') - 2));
longitude += double.Parse(values[4].Substring(values[4].IndexOf('.') - 2)) / 60;
if (values[5] == "W")
longitude = 0 - longitude;
altitude = double.Parse(values[9]);
coords.Add(new double[] { longitude, latitude, altitude });