I managed to implement a function that converts camel case to words, by using the solution suggested by @ridgerunner in this question:
Split camelCase word into words with php preg_match (Regular Expression)
However, I want to also handle embedded abreviations like this:
'hasABREVIATIONEmbedded' translates to 'Has ABREVIATION Embedded'
I came up with this solution:
function camelCaseToWords($camelCaseStr)
// Convert: "TestASAPTestMore" to "TestASAP TestMore"
$abreviationsPattern = '/' . // Match position between UPPERCASE "words"
'(?<=[A-Z])' . // Position is after group of uppercase,
'(?=[A-Z][a-z])' . // and before group of lowercase letters, except the last upper case letter in the group.
$arr = preg_split($abreviationsPattern, $camelCaseStr);
$str = implode(' ', $arr);
// Convert "TestASAP TestMore" to "Test ASAP Test More"
$camelCasePattern = '/' . // Match position between camelCase "words".
'(?<=[a-z])' . // Position is after a lowercase,
'(?=[A-Z])' . // and before an uppercase letter.
$arr = preg_split($camelCasePattern, $str);
$str = implode(' ', $arr);
$str = ucfirst(trim($str));
return $str;
$inputs = array(
echo "INPUT";
foreach($inputs as $val) {
echo "'" . $val . "' translates to '" . camelCaseToWords($val). "'\n";
The output is:
INPUT'oneTwoThreeFour' translates to 'One Two Three Four'
'StartsWithCap' translates to 'Starts With Cap'
'hasConsecutiveCAPS' translates to 'Has Consecutive CAPS'
'ALLCAPS' translates to 'ALLCAPS'
'hasABREVIATIONEmbedded' translates to 'Has ABREVIATION Embedded'
It works as intended.
My question is: Can I combine the 2 regular expressions $abreviationsPattern and camelCasePattern so i can avoid running the preg_split() function twice?