如何使用嘲弄VB脚本在后台窗口活动状态?(How to mock the background wi

2019-06-25 09:37发布


有一些键码命令我需要发送一些背景窗口(我知道的相关VB功能),但是当窗口处于活动状态时才会有效。 如果窗口是真正活跃的,我不能做在前台任何东西。


Answer 1:


Dim oShell
Set oShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
'bring the window to front
'title must be exactly what you see in the titlebar of the window
oShell.AppActivate "title of your window" 
WScript.Sleep 500 'give the window the time to activate, time is in miliseconds
oShell.SendKeys "{ENTER}" 'you can send keystrokes to this window
Set oShell = nothing

如果你想最大限度地减少窗口,你可以发送击键要做到这一点,但这依赖于语言所以首先手动尝试。 以下发送按键的Alt(%)从最小化空间和N。 尝试在你的窗口推Alt +空格键键以获得控制该菜单

oShell.SendKeys "(% )N" 

文章来源: How to mock the background window to active state using VB script?