i have 4 links and i need to change the href attribute in a rel attribute.
i know i cannot do it so i'm trying to get the data from the href attribute, setting a new attribute (rel), inserting the data inside it and then removing the href attibute.
basically i'm doing this:
$('div#menu ul li a').each(function(){
var lin = $(this).attr('href');
$('div#menu ul li a').attr('rel',lin);
it works but it sets the same rel data in every link i have.
any help?
$('div#menu ul li a').each(function(){
var lin = $(this).attr('href');
$('div#menu ul li a').each(function(){
var lin = $(this).attr('href');
Haven't actually ran the code...but that looks like it should do the trick.
$('div#menu ul li a').attr('rel',lin);
You are probably doing "it" wrong. (meaning there is a better way to do what you are attempting).
but to just answer your question:
$('#menu ul li a').each(function(){
var lin = $(this).attr('href');
Here is a solid jquery solution:
$(function() {
$("a.selector").on("click", function() {
var trigger = $(this.hash);
window.location.hash = this.hash;
trigger.attr("id", this.hash.replace("#",""));
return false;
this is the problem
$('div#menu ul li a').attr('rel',lin);
this line apply changes to any element matches your selector, which in your case
will match the four links
--use this code instead
$('div#menu ul li a').each(function(){
var lin = $(this).attr('href');