I'm using ionic to build an android app. I'm using
for local notifications. The notification works but it shows a default bell icon. How can I customize the notification icon?
$scope.scheduleSingleNotification = function () {
id: 1,
title: 'GRM APP Builder',
text: 'Quer café?!?',
badge: 1,
icon: 'res://coffee.png',
data: {
customProperty: 'custom value 1'
}).then(function (result) {
console.log('Notification 1 triggered');
After spend hours with this question, I saw that one comment above it's really right.
If you want to change icon, you need to create a folder called "drawable" in "[my ionic app folder]\platforms\android\res\drawable".
But the trick is: after this you need to quit your livereload mode and execute again CLI command "ionic run android -l -c -s". It's necessary because you need to copy new assets to device.
I only tested with Android device, if you can test with iOS please send a review here.
According to this post on the forum, you can simply set the notification's icon and smallIcon properties. You have to put the files into /platforms/android/res/drawable/ folder. (also mind that the icon has to be started with 'res://somename')
Note: You shall replace ngCordova's notification handling functions, since they are faulty.
In the latest ionic-cli 3
Copy your icon.png
into the following folder.
Note that this is in android only.
Once this is done( make sure that the image is a transparent icon),
next step is to initialize this icon in the notification.init function.
Now if we you are using push plugin
do the following;
const pushObj: PushObject = this.push.init({
android: {
senderID: "your_id",
icon: "icon",
forceShow: "true"
ios: {
alert: "true",
badge: "true",
sound: "true"
As you can see that the Only the name of the icon is added not the extenstion.
Once this is done, include a same key value pair in the server side code as well, which pushes the notification into your device.
All will be working well.