How do i contact the vSphere (or VMWare) form Python either with some form of library or via SUDS to get the number of number of vCPU or a specific host/guest/virtual-machine?
Currently i'm trying:
from suds.client import Client
from suds.sudsobject import Property
client = Client("https://<server>/sdk/vimService?wsdl")
queryCon =[0].ports[0].methods['QueryConnectionInfo']
print queryCon
And that works, and it gives me some form of output:
name = "QueryConnectionInfo"
location = "https://localhost/sdk/vimService"
binding =
input = <suds.bindings.document.Document instance at 0x0775C080>
output = <suds.bindings.document.Document instance at 0x0775C080>
soap =
action = ""urn:vim25/4.1""
style = "document"
input =
body =
parts[] =
root = <part name="parameters" element="vim25:QueryConnectionInfo"/>
name = "parameters"
qname[] =
element = "(u'QueryConnectionInfo', u'urn:vim25')"
type = "None"
use = "literal"
namespace[] =
wrapped = True
headers[] = <empty>
output =
body =
parts[] =
root = <part name="parameters" element="vim25:QueryConnectionInfoResponse"/>
name = "parameters"
qname[] =
element = "(u'QueryConnectionInfoResponse', u'urn:vim25')"
type = "None"
use = "literal"
namespace[] =
wrapped = True
headers[] = <empty>
faults[] =
name = "InvalidLoginFault"
use = "literal"
parts[] =
root = <part name="fault" element="vim25:InvalidLoginFault"/>
name = "fault"
qname[] =
element = "(u'InvalidLoginFault', u'urn:vim25')"
type = "None"
name = "HostConnectFaultFault"
use = "literal"
parts[] =
root = <part name="fault" element="vim25:HostConnectFaultFault"/>
name = "fault"
qname[] =
element = "(u'HostConnectFaultFault', u'urn:vim25')"
type = "None"
name = "RuntimeFault"
use = "literal"
parts[] =
root = <part name="fault" element="vim25:RuntimeFaultFault"/>
name = "fault"
qname[] =
element = "(u'RuntimeFaultFault', u'urn:vim25')"
type = "None"
I've tried following the following "guides":
SUDS - programmatic access to methods and types
I know that all the information probably is here, i just can't see the entire picture :/
After a while of trying this is where i get stuck:
client = Client("https://<server>/sdk/vimService?wsdl")
#queryCon =[0].ports[0].methods['QueryConnectionInfo']
print client.service.QueryConnectionInfo("https://<server>/sdk", None, r'domain\user', 'Password')
And the output is:
urllib2.URLError: <urlopen error [Errno 1] _ssl.c:490: error:140770FC:SSL routines:SSL23_GET_SERVER_HELLO:unknown protocol>