
post a diff between svn branch and a tag on review

2019-06-25 05:38发布


I want to post an SVN diff to the review board; the diff is generated between the branch HEAD and the base tag.

I used this command to generate the diff file :

svn diff https:/path/to/branch/head https:/path/to/tag

note that

  • i tried to use rbt diff revision1:revision2 command to generate the diff. I have a problem that review board only accepts revision range within the branch commits only (not accepting revision from tags).

  • i tried to diff using the svn diff command then upload the file using rbt post --diff-filename but the command returned with an error requiring a base directory; i added the base dir to to be the root using rbt post --basedir https:/path/to/root ; the review boards accept but shows the diff on the web page like a diff between https:/path/to/root/branches/featureName/path/to/changed/files and https:/path/to/root/path/to/changed/files without showing that the diff is between branch and a tag like https:/path/to/root/tag/path/to/changed/files.

is there any way to do such job ?


You can post such a diff with the RBTools post command.

Say, for example, your Subversion repository is registered with following URL at review board:


(where foo is noise and base is the base of your repository)

Then let's assume that we have two tags


where abc2 is based on abc1 and introduces some changes.

To create a review request for those changes, first, we make a diff with Subversion:

svn diff $base/module/tag/abc1 $base/module/tag/abc2 \
  > --patch-compatible > change_xyz.diff

We can post the diff with rbt post, but for that, we need a Subversion working directory. An empty one is sufficient:

svn co --depth=empty $base
cd group

The rbt command needs some configuration, to simplify things username/password can also be stored in a run control file, e.g.:

cat > .reviewboardrc <<EOF
REVIEWBOARD_URL = 'http://reviewboard.example.org/'
REPOSITORY = 'somerepo'
PASSWORD = 'einsfueralles'
USERNAME = 'juser'

When posting the diff the rbt resolves the relative paths in the diff file against the working directory, thus we have to add missing parts with the --basedir option:

rbt post --diff-filename ../change_xyz.diff --basedir module/tag

If everything works ok, rbt uploads the diff and the referenced files to a new draft and prints the new URLs, e.g.:


The draft can then be edited and finally published via the web UI. The rbt post command also has several options to add additional data (e.g. --summary, --description) and/or directly publish it (cf. --publish).