How do I fetch comments in version 3 of the YouTub

2019-01-12 03:54发布


How do I fetch comments for a video in version 3 of the YouTube API? I've been trying youtube.activities.list and youtube.videos.list and most other methods available in the Google API Explorer. Am I missing something here?

(youtube.activities.list seems to be the proper call, but that only returns my own uploads and playlist items.)


Update: Comments feature is now available in Data API v3.


result json

 "kind": "youtube#commentThreadListResponse",
 "etag": "\"mPrpS7Nrk6Ggi_P7VJ8-KsEOiIw/Q8IErPBy5AB6a2BKgaDaOWcf_jQ\"",
 "pageInfo": {
  "totalResults": 10,
  "resultsPerPage": 20
 "items": [
   "kind": "youtube#commentThread",
   "etag": "\"mPrpS7Nrk6Ggi_P7VJ8-KsEOiIw/bdn5c_ALv5vbJlPCzNuP1B9UqiU\"",
   "id": "z12qxfxr2onpy1b5l04cdfzrgwabir0q4bo",
   "snippet": {
    "channelId": "UCJr72fY4cTaNZv7WPbvjaSw",
    "videoId": "Au87oAJ2jeE",
    "topLevelComment": {
     "kind": "youtube#comment",
     "etag": "\"mPrpS7Nrk6Ggi_P7VJ8-KsEOiIw/JZObCX09D4_6WRoUvqcZuSWtjRw\"",
     "id": "z12qxfxr2onpy1b5l04cdfzrgwabir0q4bo",
     "snippet": {
      "channelId": "UCJr72fY4cTaNZv7WPbvjaSw",
      "videoId": "Au87oAJ2jeE",
      "textDisplay": "Thank you Dan and Envato for creating this video!\ufeff",
      "authorDisplayName": "Randy Taschner",
      "authorProfileImageUrl": "",
      "authorChannelUrl": "",
      "authorChannelId": {
       "value": "UCTRuBHRb4BRFcob-hMj6NnQ"
      "authorGoogleplusProfileUrl": "",
      "canRate": false,
      "viewerRating": "none",
      "likeCount": 1,
      "publishedAt": "2015-08-16T05:02:25.807Z",
      "updatedAt": "2015-08-16T05:02:25.807Z"
    "canReply": false,
    "totalReplyCount": 0,
    "isPublic": true

标签: youtube-api