I created an arraylist of strings
List<String> textArray = new ArrayList<String>();
and then I added the strings(which I am getting from edittext) to textArray as follows
String text = editText1.getText().toString();
Now I created a button and need to remove the string from the array when the button is clicked.But i dont know what to do.
I know for arrays of bitmaps we clear a bitmap from array using recycle but Please suggest me how to remove or clear the string from arraylist.
You can call one of:
to remove all entries
to remove from a specific position (e.g. first item)
to remove a specific string (that equals
Try this..
Getting position from the textArray array list
int pos = textArray.indexOf(text);
and then remove from the string position
because we cannot directly remove the string. we can remove the string contains position.
You can do it with more then one way as per your need.
It will clear whole ArrayList.
If you want to remove only some specifis data from index then,
textArray.remove(INDEX TO REMOVE);
Try This
String text = editText1.getText().toString();
to remove