I know this question may seems stupid since i cannot give a lot of infos about it, but I think that the problem has to be some kind of bug...
I have written a java program whith NetBeans 7.1, which now gets me this error when trying to run. 10 mins ago it was perfectly running, and i have changed nothing to the class the error refers to
Could this be some kind of NetBeans error? Maybe it is a well know problem?
The JDK says for ClassFormatError:
Thrown when the Java Virtual Machine attempts to read a class file and
determines that the file is malformed or otherwise cannot be
interpreted as a class file.
Perhaps a class file has become corrupted. I am going to do the standard IT support statement.
Have you tried restarting NetBeans?
Hope that helps
It also got this exception in NB 7.2
- 'clean an build' and restarting NB didn't work
- updating NB with the latest updates and performing 'clean and build' also didn't work.
So i renamed the cache directory:
started NB, waited for it to finish 'background scanning' and pressed 'Debug project' and voila. The cache gets corrupted every once in a while :-/
I got also this exception. My solution was:
- edit and save mentioned class (.java file)
- clean & build project
- deploy to tomcat server
I just had this happen to me with Netbeans 7.4 Beta.
Things I tried:
- Restarting Netbeans.
- Clean and build.
- Shutting down netbeans, renaming the cache dir, starting netbeans and waiting for scanning to complete.
What worked for me:
- Making the source file writable and saving a meaningless change (inserting a space).
I don't know why any of the other steps didn't fix the error. Maybe it would have worked if I had done a clean and build after renaming the cache dir?
Its a very frustrating situation to be in - Hopefully this helps someone (perhaps a future me?).
Got right the same thing with Netbeans 7.1.
Working on a project that works fine for several months.
Now I changed a bean which gets persisted with javax.persistence and now this exception got thrown. Reverted my few changes, clean and compile the project, reboot the whole system: still exceptions.
The curious thing about it: the generated .war works perfectly in a Tomcat at another machine.
Today I got the same problem again and I couldn't recall how to solve it, but I found this post again. ;)
After a half hour I found the solution: Just change value of the property serialVersionUID
, redeploy the app and then you can change the value to its original value and redeploy again -> working.
Seems like Tomcat is holding that class somewhere deep inside – deleting working directories didn't led to success.