When I do rtag the process is rather slow with the message cvs rtag: [07:34:59] waiting for cvsuser's lock in ...; what causes this and how to resolve this? Thanks in advance.
Searching via Google for "cvs waiting for lock" returns plenty of results. This is the first result I see and it covers everything you need:
- http://durak.org/sean/pubs/software/cvsbook/CVS-says-it-is-waiting-for-a-lock_003b-what-does-that-mean_003f.html
But in essence, someone else is in the middle of a CVS operation. Wait for it to complete.
If you know that this isn't the case (eg. you spoke to that user) then their cvs operation failed and left a lock file behind. Delete it. See the link for details.
The information in the link given by Burhan Ali is out of date. The latest incarnation of cvs seems to store locks in $CVSROOT/locks/project/directory... so if the message is "Waiting for foo's lock in /home/cvs/myproject/html" the lock file is in /home/cvs/locks/myproject/html with an owner of foo. The name of the lock file starts with #cvs but there only seem to be lock files there.