I have an excel workbook and I need to publish it in a SharePoint site using Excel VBA. So I created a method in a module using the below code:
Private sc_Lists As SoapClient30
Public c_WSDL_URL As String
Private Const c_SERVICE As String = "Lists"
Private Const c_PORT As String = "ListsSoap"
Private Const c_SERVICE_NAMESPACE As String = "http://schemas.microsoft.com/sharepoint/soap/"
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
Dim str_WSML As String
str_WSML = ""
Set sc_Lists = New SoapClient30
c_WSDL_URL = glb_URL
sc_Lists.ConnectorProperty("WinHTTPAuthScheme") = &H1
sc_Lists.ConnectorProperty("UseSSL") = True
sc_Lists.ConnectorProperty("AuthUser") = "username"
sc_Lists.ConnectorProperty("AuthPassword") = "pass"
End Sub
The problem is when I open the excel document and try to publish it then it asks for the credentials of my SharePoint site even though I have provided them in the code as can be seen above. What I need is to prevent asking credentials when publishing.