I'm trying to broadcast to a different channel in my app but I can not get it to work. Also I trying to write a test but I'm not sure how.
From what I can gather I succeed in broadcasting the message from the notification_channel but it's not received in chat_channel.
Notification should send to chat.
def handle_in("new:group:recommendation", msg, socket) do
payload = %{
message: msg["message"],
url: msg["url"],
title: msg["title"],
user_name: get_name_of_user(socket.assigns.user_grapqhl_id),
user_grapqhl_id: socket.assigns.user_grapqhl_id
IO.puts "incomming"
IO.inspect msg
Enum.map(msg["groups"], fn(x) ->
App.Endpoint.broadcast_from! self(), "chat:"<>x,
"new:recommendation", payload
{:reply, :ok, socket}
def handle_in("new:recommendation", msg, socket) do
IO.puts "i am a recommendation !"
IO.inspect msg
chat_msg = %{
"creator_id" => msg["user_grapqhl_id"],
"text" => msg["message"],
"creator_name" => msg["user_name"]
broadcast! socket, "new:msg", create_chat_msg(chat_msg,socket)
{:reply, :ok, socket}
test "do we send a new:recommendation to chat ?", %{guardian_token: guardian_token} do
nils_base_64 = Base.encode64("user:nils")
{:ok, socket} = connect(UserSocket, %{})
{:ok, _, socket1} = subscribe_and_join(socket, "notifications:"<>nils_base_64, %{"guardian_token" => guardian_token})
{:ok, _, socket} = subscribe_and_join(socket1, "chat:Y2hhdDpjaGF0Mw==", %{"guardian_token" => guardian_token})
payload = %{
"message" => "look at this cool thing!",
"url" => "link to stuff",
"title" => "AWESOME EVENT",
"groups" => ["Y2hhdDpjaGF0Mw==", "Y2hhdDpwdWJsaWM="]
reply = %{message: "look at this cool thing!", title: "AWESOME EVENT", url: "link to stuff", user_grapqhl_id: nils_base_64, user_name: "Nils Eriksson"}
ref = push socket1, "new:group:recommendation", payload
assert_reply ref, :ok
assert_broadcast "new:recommendation", ^reply
This test passes and i can get it to fail by changing the reply
or commenting out the broadcast. I can not get it to fail by changing the handle_in
to receive fail:please
in chat_channel
That is something that it would complain on if i would send change this
ref = push socket1, "new:group:recommendation", payload
to ref = push socket, "new:group:recommendation", payload
not supprising in that case.
This is what is on the wire.
Process mailbox:
%Phoenix.Socket.Message{event: "init:msgs", payload: %{messages: []}, ref: nil, topic: "chat:Y2hhdDpjaGF0Mw=="}
%Phoenix.Socket.Broadcast{event: "new:recommendation", payload: %{message: "look at this cool thing!", title: "AWESOME EVENTs", url: "link to stuff", user_grapqhl_id: "dXNlcjpuaWxz", user_name: "Nils Eriksson"}, topic: "chat:Y2hhdDpjaGF0Mw=="}
%Phoenix.Socket.Message{event: "new:recommendation", payload: %{message: "look at this cool thing!", title: "AWESOME EVENTs", url: "link to stuff", user_grapqhl_id: "dXNlcjpuaWxz", user_name: "Nils Eriksson"}, ref: nil, topic: "chat:Y2hhdDpjaGF0Mw=="}
I use channel authentication since the elm package i use does not support authentication on socket level yet. so this is what it looks like in chat
def join("chat:" <> chat_id, %{"guardian_token" => token}, socket) do
IO.puts chat_id
case sign_in(socket, token) do
{:ok, authed_socket, _guardian_params} ->
Process.flag(:trap_exit, true)
send(self, {:after_join})
[_type, node_chat_id] = Node.from_global_id(chat_id)
{:ok, assign(authed_socket, :chat_id, node_chat_id)}
{:error, reason} ->
IO.puts "Can't join channel cuz: " <> reason
# handle error TODO