Is there a function in PHP that takes in a string, a number (i
), and a character (x
), then replaces the character at position (i
) with (x
If not, can somebody help me in implementing it?
Is there a function in PHP that takes in a string, a number (i
), and a character (x
), then replaces the character at position (i
) with (x
If not, can somebody help me in implementing it?
$str = 'bar';
$str[1] = 'A';
echo $str; // prints bAr
or you could use the library function substr_replace
$str = substr_replace($str,$char,$pos,1);
I amazed why no one remember about substr_replace()
substr_replace($str, $x, $i, 1);
Codaddict is correct, but if you wanted a function, you could try...
function updateChar($str, $char, $offset) {
if ( ! isset($str[$offset])) {
return FALSE;
$str[$offset] = $char;
return $str;
It works!
function replace_char($string, $position, $newchar) {
if(strlen($string) <= $position) {
return $string;
$string[$position] = $newchar;
return $string;
It's safe to treat strings as arrays in PHP, as long as you don't try to change chars after the end of the string. See the manual on strings:
implode(':', str_split('1300', 2));
Also very nice for some credit card numbers like Visa:
implode(' ', str_split('4900000000000000', 4));
4900 0000 0000 0000
str_split — Convert a string to an array