I have multiple feature files and I would really love to run just one file or just one scenario or just one tag. I know I could just provide one file in my specs in my cucumberConf.js, but I would like to run it once without fiddling with my cucumberConf.js. Which arguments do I need to type in when running protractor?
The easiest way to do this would be to use the --specs
protractor --specs=specs/testA.js e2e-conf.js
in protractor's config:
cucumberOpts: {
tags: [
in the feature file
Scenario: Run this Scenario
Given user does some action
Then something should happen
Scenario: ignore this Scenario
Given user does some action
Then something should happen
use the specs array in protractor config file. E.g.
specs: [ 'test/features/xxx.feature' ],