Convert tuples to proplists

2019-06-24 06:52发布


How can I convert tuple from MongoDB


to proplist



Assuming you want to basically combine the two consecutive elements of the tuple together, this isn't too hard. You can use element\2 to pull elements from tuples. And tuple_size\1 to get the size of the tuple. Here's a couple of ways to handle this:

1> Tup = {'_id',<<"vasya">>,password,<<"12ghd">>,age,undefined}.
2> Size = tuple_size(Tup).            

You can use a list comprehension for this:

3> [{element(X, Tup), element(X+1, Tup)} || X <- lists:seq(1, Size, 2)].

Or you can zip it:

4> lists:zip([element(X, Tup) || X <- lists:seq(1, Size, 2)], [element(X, Tup) || X <- lists:seq(2, Size, 2)]).

You can clean up that zip by making a function to handle pulling elements out.

slice(Tuple, Start, Stop, Step) ->
    [element(N, Tuple) || N <- lists:seq(Start, Stop, Step)].

Then calling this function:

5> lists:zip(slice(Tup, 1, Size, 2), Slice(Tup, 2, Size, 2)).


You can use bson:fields/1 ( bson is the dependency of mongodb erlang driver


Alternatively you could write a simple function to do it:

mongo_to_proplist(MongoTuple) ->
    mongo_to_tuple(MongoTuple, 1, tuple_size(MongoTuple)).

mongo_to_proplist(Mt, I, Size) when I =:= Size -> [];
mongo_to_proplist(Mt, I, Size) ->
    Key = element(I, Mt),
    Val = element(I+1, Mt),
    [{Key,Val}|mongo_to_proplist(Mt, I+2, Size)].

This is basically what the list comprehension versions are doing but unravelled into an explicit loop.


Not very efficient, so do not use it on large structures, but really simple:

to_proplist(Tuple) -> to_proplist1(tuple_to_list(Tuple), []).

to_proplist1([], Acc) -> Acc;
to_proplist1([Key, Value | T], Acc) -> to_proplist1(T, [{Key, Value} | Acc]).

If order should for some strange reason be important reverse the proplist in the base case of to_proplist1/2.

标签: erlang