D dynamic array initialization, stride and the ind

2019-06-24 06:23发布


Sorry, this became a 3-fold question regarding arrays

I think (dynamic) arrays are truly powerful in D, but the following has been bothering me for a while:

In C++ I could easily allocate an array with designated values, but in D I haven't found a way to do so. Surely the following is no problem:

int[] a = new int[N];
a[] = a0;

But it looks inefficient, since line one will initialize with 0, and like 2 with a0. Could something similar to the following be done in D?

int[] a = new int(a0)[N]; // illegal

Another efficiency matter I have when using stride in std.range:

import std.stdio;
import std.range;

struct S
    int x;

        writeln("copy ", x);

void f(S[] s)

int main()
    S[] s = new S[10];
    foreach (i, ref v; s)
        v.x = i;

    f(stride(s, 3)); // error
    return 0;

Surely I was naive thinking I could simply use stride to create a new array without copying it's elements? There is no way to do so in D, right?

So I went and simulated as if the array was as stride would return, and implemented f as:

f(s, 3);

void f(S[] s, uint stride)
    ref S get(uint i)
        assert (i * stride < s.length);
        return s[i * stride];

    for (uint x ... )
        get(x) = ...;

Would there be a way to instead write get(x) using the index operator get[x]? This way I could statically mixin / include the striding get function and keep the rest of the function similar. I'd be interested in the approach taken, since a local struct is not allowed to access function scope variables (why not?).


But it looks inefficient, since line one will initialize with 0, and like 2 with a0. Could something similar to the following be done in D?

Use std.array.uninitializedArray

S[] s = uninitializedArray!(S[])(N);
s[] = a0; 

Surely I was naive thinking I could simply use stride to create a new array without copying it's elements? There is no way to do so in D, right?

Your function f has an S[] as an argument, which is different from what stride returns. The D way to solve this is to make your f function accept any range by making it a template:

void f(Range)(Range s)
    foreach (item; s)
        // use item

S[] s = new S[10];
f(s); // works
f(stride(s, 3)); // works too

Alternatively you can copy the array:

f(array(stride(s, 3)));

But you probably want to avoid copying the entire array if it is large.

Would there be a way to instead write get(x) using the index operator get[x]? This way I could statically mixin / include the striding get function and keep the rest of the function similar. I'd be interested in the approach taken, since a local struct is not allowed to access function scope variables (why not?).

You can overload the indexing operator in your own struct.

struct StrideArray
    this(S[] s, uint stride) { m_array = s; m_stride = stride; }

    S opIndex(size_t i) { return s[i * m_stride]; }
    void opIndexAssign(size_t i, S value) { s[i * m_stride] = value; }

    private S[] m_array;
    private uint m_stride;

This is (kind of) the way the actual stride function works. I'd recommend reading up on Ranges.


you can duplicate (create a copy of) an array with .dup (this will also work with slices) or you can set the elements with the array initializer

int[] a=a0.dup;
int[] b=[e1,e2,e3];

you can make the f generic (stride() returns a struct that you can iterate over, not an array)

void f(Z)(Z s)if(isInputRange!Z){

remember that arrays are essentially structs with a pointer field to some memory block and a size field