I'm comparing two graphs, one from a Turtle file with simple literal objects, the other from a file with explicit datatype IRIs. The graphs are otherwise equal.
Graph A:
<s> <p> "o"
Graph B:
<s> <p> "o"^^xsd:string
According to RDF 1.1 (3.3 Literals), "[s]imple literals are syntactic sugar for abstract syntax literals with the datatype IRI http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string". This is reflected in the concrete syntax specifications as well (N-Triples, Turtle, RDF XML).
So I'd expect both my graphs to consists of a single triple with a URI node s subject, a URI node p predicate, and a literal node o with type xsd:string object. Based on this I'd expect there to be no difference between the two.
However this is not the case in practice:
var graphStringA = "<http://example.com/subject> <http://example.com/predicate> \"object\".";
var graphStringB = "<http://example.com/subject> <http://example.com/predicate> \"object\"^^<http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string>.";
var graphA = new Graph();
var graphB = new Graph();
StringParser.Parse(graphA, graphStringA);
StringParser.Parse(graphB, graphStringB);
var diff = graphA.Difference(graphB);
There's one added and one removed triple in the difference report. The graphs are different, because the datatypes for the object nodes are different: graphA.Triples.First().Object.Datatype
is nothing, while graphB.Triples.First().Object.Datatype
is the correct URI.
It appears to me that to modify this behaviour I'd have to either
- go all the way down to LiteralNode (and change its assumptions about literal nodes), or
- create a new GraphDiff (that takes the default datatype of string literals into account).
A workaround is to remove the "default" datatypes:
private static void RemoveDefaultDatatype(IGraph g)
var triplesWithDefaultDatatype =
from triple in g.Triples
where triple.Object is ILiteralNode
let literal = triple.Object as ILiteralNode
where literal.DataType != null
where literal.DataType.AbsoluteUri == "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string" || literal.DataType.AbsoluteUri == "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#langString"
select triple;
var triplesWithNoDatatype =
from triple in triplesWithDefaultDatatype
let literal = triple.Object as ILiteralNode
select new Triple(
Is there a way in dotnetrdf to compare simple literals to typed literals in a way that's consistent with RDF 1.1, without resorting to major rewrite or workaround as above?