My current php.ini file is set to report all errors other than deprecation and strict standards as follows:
error_reporting = E_ALL & ~E_STRICT & ~E_DEPRECATED
The reason for using this setting is that we urgently need to perform a PHP upgrade on the linux server hosting our websites; the problem there being that deprecated functions and strict standards recommendations will very quickly fill up error log files for over 170 websites. The errors are mostly due to small things like functions not being declared as static, etc. Eventually we will get through all the sites and fix those problems, however in the meantime we need to suppress the errors.
The problem I'm having on a local test environment (running the version of PHP we are looking to upgrade to - 5.4.3) is that the errors still display with the following printed before:
SCREAM: Error suppression ignored for
Can anyone give me some insight into why the error suppression is being ignored and how to properly suppress the errors?
Thanks in advance.