I'm manipulating a sheet, mainly deleting all the sheets but the one that I need. I will loop through all the sheets, and delete the sheets that is not useful for my task.
After deleting, I tried to save but it throws an error.
File "C:\Users\myUser\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\openpyxl\workbook\workbook.py", line 130, in active
return self._sheets[self._active_sheet_index]
Here's my script
wb = load_workbook("File.xlsx")
ws1 = wb["Employee Info"]
ws1.freeze_panes = None
ws_active = wb.get_sheet_by_name("Employee Info")
### delete other sheets but Employee Info
for sheet in wb.worksheets:
if sheet.title != 'Employee Info':
print("removing " + sheet.title)
print("remaining sheets:")
for sheet in wb.worksheets:
print(" " + sheet.title)
### TODO
### loop through the files in a directory
### TODO
### see if readable by ETL
print("saving the wb")
after deleting, I checked the workbook. And it has the sheet that I am looking for. Just not sure though why it is not detecting the remaining 1 sheet.
To add more details, the excel file has 8 sheets, the sheet that I am after is on the 5th sheet.