I am working with Nexus 5 and Cyanogen One plus devices with Lollipop android OS. I am trying to test various notifications of certain app. I was successfully able to test tray notification and lock screen notification with UiAutomator but I am not able to have any success with headsup notification. I tried following code but it failed to detect it.
public void test_HeadsupTitle() throws InterruptedException, UiObjectNotFoundException, IOException
//some code to bring up headsup notification
UiObject maxHeadsUp = new UiObject(new UiSelector().packageName("com.android.systemui").resourceId("android:id/status_bar_latest_event_content"));
// code to add sleep so that it waits for heads up notification to show up
Is there a way to detect headsup notifications in UiAutomator as an object to look for when running automation?
public void setUp() throws Exception
mDevice = UiDevice.getInstance(InstrumentationRegistry.getInstrumentation());
public void testNoti() throws UiObjectNotFoundException
mDevice.wait(Until.hasObject(By.pkg("com.android.systemui")), 10000);
* access Notification Center through resource id, package name, class name.
* if you want to check resource id, package name or class name of the specific view
* in the screen, run 'uiautomatorviewer' from command.
UiSelector notificationStackScroller = new UiSelector()
UiObject notificationStackScrollerUiObject = mDevice.findObject(notificationStackScroller);
* access top notification in the center through parent
UiObject notiSelectorUiObject = notificationStackScrollerUiObject.getChild(new UiSelector().index(0));