After I applied thresholding and finding the contours of the object, I used the following code to get the straight rectangle around the object (or the rotated rectangle inputting its instruction):
img = cv2.imread('image.png')
imgray = cv2.cvtColor(img,cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
ret,thresh = cv2.threshold(imgray,127,255,cv2.THRESH_BINARY)
# find contours
contours, hierarchy = cv2.findContours(thresh,cv2.RETR_TREE,cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE)
cnt = contours[0]
# straight rectangle
x,y,w,h = cv2.boundingRect(cnt)
img= cv2.rectangle(img,(x,y),(x+w,y+h),(0,255,0),2)
see the image
Then I have calculated the number of object and background pixels inside the straight rectangle using the following code:
# rectangle area (total number of object and background pixels inside the rectangle)
area_rect = w*h
# white or object pixels (inside the rectangle)
obj = cv2.countNonZero(imgray)
# background pixels (inside the rectangle)
bac = area_rect - obj
Now I want to adapt the rectangle of the object as a function of the relationship between the background pixel and those of the object, ie to have a rectangle occupying the larger part of the object without or with less background pixel, for example:
How do I create this?
This problem can be stated as the find the largest rectangle inscribed in a non-convex polygon.
An approximate solution can be found at this link.
This problem can be formulated also as: for each angle, find the largest rectangle containing only zeros in a matrix, explored in this SO question.
My solution is based on this answer. This will find only axis aligned rectangles, so you can easily rotate the image by a given angle and apply this solution for every angle.
My solution is C++, but you can easily port it to Python, since I'm using mostly OpenCV function, or adjust the solution in the above mentioned answer accounting for rotation.
Here we are:
#include <opencv2\opencv.hpp>
#include <iostream>
using namespace cv;
using namespace std;
Rect findMinRect(const Mat1b& src)
Mat1f W(src.rows, src.cols, float(0));
Mat1f H(src.rows, src.cols, float(0));
Rect maxRect(0,0,0,0);
float maxArea = 0.f;
for (int r = 0; r < src.rows; ++r)
for (int c = 0; c < src.cols; ++c)
if (src(r, c) == 0)
H(r, c) = 1.f + ((r>0) ? H(r-1, c) : 0);
W(r, c) = 1.f + ((c>0) ? W(r, c-1) : 0);
float minw = W(r,c);
for (int h = 0; h < H(r, c); ++h)
minw = min(minw, W(r-h, c));
float area = (h+1) * minw;
if (area > maxArea)
maxArea = area;
maxRect = Rect(Point(c - minw + 1, r - h), Point(c+1, r+1));
return maxRect;
RotatedRect largestRectInNonConvexPoly(const Mat1b& src)
// Create a matrix big enough to not lose points during rotation
vector<Point> ptz;
findNonZero(src, ptz);
Rect bbox = boundingRect(ptz);
int maxdim = max(bbox.width, bbox.height);
Mat1b work(2*maxdim, 2*maxdim, uchar(0));
src(bbox).copyTo(work(Rect(maxdim - bbox.width/2, maxdim - bbox.height / 2, bbox.width, bbox.height)));
// Store best data
Rect bestRect;
int bestAngle = 0;
// For each angle
for (int angle = 0; angle < 90; angle += 1)
cout << angle << endl;
// Rotate the image
Mat R = getRotationMatrix2D(Point(maxdim,maxdim), angle, 1);
Mat1b rotated;
warpAffine(work, rotated, R, work.size());
// Keep the crop with the polygon
vector<Point> pts;
findNonZero(rotated, pts);
Rect box = boundingRect(pts);
Mat1b crop = rotated(box).clone();
// Invert colors
crop = ~crop;
// Solve the problem: "Find largest rectangle containing only zeros in an binary matrix"
Rect r = findMinRect(crop);
// If best, save result
if (r.area() > bestRect.area())
bestRect = r +; // Correct the crop displacement
bestAngle = angle;
// Apply the inverse rotation
Mat Rinv = getRotationMatrix2D(Point(maxdim, maxdim), -bestAngle, 1);
vector<Point> rectPoints{, Point(bestRect.x + bestRect.width, bestRect.y),, Point(bestRect.x, bestRect.y + bestRect.height)};
vector<Point> rotatedRectPoints;
transform(rectPoints, rotatedRectPoints, Rinv);
// Apply the reverse translations
for (int i = 0; i < rotatedRectPoints.size(); ++i)
rotatedRectPoints[i] += - Point(maxdim - bbox.width / 2, maxdim - bbox.height / 2);
// Get the rotated rect
RotatedRect rrect = minAreaRect(rotatedRectPoints);
return rrect;
int main()
Mat1b img = imread("path_to_image", IMREAD_GRAYSCALE);
// Compute largest rect inside polygon
RotatedRect r = largestRectInNonConvexPoly(img);
// Show
Mat3b res;
cvtColor(img, res, COLOR_GRAY2BGR);
Point2f points[4];
for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
line(res, points[i], points[(i + 1) % 4], Scalar(0, 0, 255), 2);
imshow("Result", res);
return 0;
The result image is:
I'd like to point out that this code is not optimized, so it can probably perform better. For an approximized solution, see here, and the papers reported there.
This answer to a related question put me in the right direction.
here is a python code I wrote with rotation included. I tried to speed it up, but I guess it can be improved.
For future googlers,
Since your provided sample solution allows background pixels to be within the rectangle, I suppose you wish to find the the smallest rectangle that covers perhaps 80% of the white pixels.
This can be done using a similar method of finding the error ellipse given a set of data (in this case, the data is all the white pixels, and the error ellipse needs to be modified to be a rectangle)
The following links would hence be helpful
How to get the best fit bounding box from covariance matrix and mean position?