I have a question, i built this little script to check if a certain ip is flooding my website. When it does, i deny the ip in the .htaccess file. My question is, can somebody tell me if this script is completely useless or worth trying... The script is called in the config file therefore it runs on every pageload.
#get the visitor ip
#start the session
#check if the ip is banned
if( $_SESSION['~b'] ){
#check if we can open htaccess
$fp = @fopen('./.htaccess','a');
#add the ip to htaccess
@fwrite($fp,"\r\ndeny from $ip");
#destroy the session
@mail("my-email","IP Banned","Ip: $ip");
#let the user know why we deny him or her access
die('To many requests.');
#get the filename and location
$f = './log/'.@ip2long($ip);
#check if the file exists
if ( @is_file($f) ) {
#get the last filetime
$a = @filemtime($f);
#touch the file, give a new filetime
#the ip is not banned
$_SESSION['~b'] = false;
#add the time diff
$_SESSION['~r'] += @time()-$a;
#add the latest hit
$_SESSION['~h'] += 1;
#create the file if it doesn't exist
@file_put_contents($f,''); #size: 0kb
#if touch() doesn't work
#calculate the diff after 10 hits, and ban when the avg is smaller than 0.25 seconds
if( $_SESSION['~h'] > 10 && ($_SESSION['~r']/$_SESSION['~h']) < 0.25 ) $_SESSION['~b'] = true;
Just followed the advice to avoid SESSIONS, so i made it file based, without having to be depending on cookies and session:
# get the visitor ip
# get the filename and location
$f = './log/'.ip2long($i).'.dat';
# check if the file exists and we can write
if ( is_file($f) ) {
# get the last filetime
$a = filemtime($f);
# get the file content
$b = file_get_contents($f);
# create array from hits & seconds
$d = explode(':',$b);
# calculate the new result
$h = (int)$d[0] + 1;
$s = (int)$d[1] + (time()-$a);
# add the new data tot text file
# create the file if it doesn't exist hits:seconds
file_put_contents($f,"1:1",LOCK_EX); #size: 3kb
# to make sure we can write
# chmod($f,0755);
# set the hits to zero
$h = 0;
# create a result var
$r = $h > 10 ? (float)$s/$h : (float)1;
# calculate the diff after 10 hits, and ban when the avg is smaller than 0.20 seconds (5 hits per second)
if( $r < 0.20 ) {
# check if we can open htaccess
$fp = @fopen('./.htaccess','a');
# add the ip to htaccess
@fwrite($fp,"\r\ndeny from $i");
# close
# mail the admin
@mail("email","IP Banned","Ip: $i with $r sbh (Seconds Between Hits)");
# let the user know why we deny him or her access
die('To many requests.');
# remove the file
# if the user leaves, reset
if( $r > 30 ) {
echo 'Result: '.$r.'sbh (Seconds Between Hits)';