I have a cfc method that is looping through a list and making a series of SOAP calls via cfhttp. Then inserts the result into a database.
The process itself works great the problem is that the java memory slowly fills up and eventually (depending on the number of elements in the records being returned) just stops working. There is no error or anything visible it just stops. If I look at the application log file via the coldfusion admin I see one or both of the following errors:
GC overhead limit exceeded The specific sequence of files included or processed is:
Java heap space The specific sequence of files included or processed is:
Below is simplified version of the code I am running:
<cfsetting requesttimeout="3600">
<cfloop condition="thisPass lt 10">
runtime = CreateObject("java","java.lang.Runtime").getRuntime();
objSystem = CreateObject( "java", "java.lang.System" );
soapBody = '';
soapResponse = '';
thisStruct = '';
lock scope='application' type='exclusive' timeout='60' {
//This is where I am trying to manage the memory and call garbage collection
try {
freeMemory = runtime.freeMemory()/1024/1024;
writeOutput("- fm = "&freeMemory);
if (freeMemory < 200){
writeDump(' - dumping freeMemory');
catch(any error) {
writeDump(' - trying to dump GC as '&now()& ' freeMemory = '&freeMemory);
<cfsavecontent variable="soapBody">
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<cfhttp url="[URL]" method="post" result="httpResponse"
timeout="600" resolveurl="false">
<cfhttpparam type="header" name="SOAPAction" value="[URL2]" />
<cfhttpparam type="xml" value="#trim( soapBody )#"/>
soapBody = "";
soapResponse = httpResponse.fileContent;
soapResponse = xmlParse( soapResponse );
thisStruct = xmlSearch(soapResponse,'/soap:Envelope/soap:Body/')[1].xmlChildren[1].xmlChildren[1].xmlChildren;
writeOutput("-"&arrayLen(thisStruct)&' records');
if(arrayLen(thisStruct) == 2500){
thisPass = thisPass+1;
} else {
writeOutput("- total records = "&(2500*(thisPass-1))+arrayLen(thisStruct));
thisPass = 100; // since looping while thisPass lt 10 this should prevent the next iteration
<cfloop from="1" to="#arrayLen(thisStruct)#" index="i">
The GC seems to sometimes release a bit of memory but not with any reliability. I understand that GC() is only a recommendation for java to release some of the unused memory but I am unsure how I can get it to FORCE it to release memory. It is possible that there is a leak somewhere but I am not seeing it. I am hoping that this is something obvious that I have over looked and I admit that my java knowledge is extremely limited.
Is there some java guru out there that can see my error?
UPDATE : Here is a sample of the output incase this is helpfule to see the decline of memory.
there are 236 lists to loop through
- 88185 - fm = 293.564407349 -6 records- total records = 6
- 88389 - fm = 290.86995697 -116 records- total records = 116
- 88390 - fm = 308.382568359 -262 records- total records = 262
- 88839 - fm = 292.707099915 -2032 records- total records = 2032
- 91088 - fm = 290.711753845 -6 records- total records = 6
- 92998 - fm = 287.754066467 -5 records- total records = 5
- 95510 - fm = 309.919425964 -91 records- total records = 91
- 96478 - fm = 292.035064697 -1180 records- total records = 1180
- 96479 - fm = 259.001213074 -1113 records- total records = 1113
- 96480 - fm = 261.121406555 -110 records- total records = 110
- 96796 - fm = 267.235244751 -2 records- total records = 2
- 96799 - fm = 265.037582397 -0 records- total records = 0
- 97435 - fm = 263.589103699 -2500 records - fm = 227.629760742 -2500 records - fm = 200.85987854 -2500 records - fm = 202.156776428 -2500 records - fm = 166.366210938 - dumping freeMemory -656 records- total records = 10656
- 98173 - fm = 160.579734802 - dumping freeMemory -35 records- total records = 35
- 99111 - fm = 176.218482971 - dumping freeMemory -0 records- total records = 0
- 100998 - fm = 194.708694458 - dumping freeMemory -185 records- total records = 185
- 101811 - fm = 160.61415863 - dumping freeMemory -2500 records - fm = 112.862670898 - dumping freeMemory -2500 records - fm = 86.2071380615 - dumping freeMemory -2500 records - fm = 52.9639358521 - dumping freeMemory -1064 records- total records = 8564
- 105014 - fm = 56.1721343994 - dumping freeMemory -14 records- total records = 14
- 105992 - fm = 73.0022964478 - dumping freeMemory -14 records- total records = 14
- 107539 - fm = 75.9522399902 - dumping freeMemory -93 records- total records = 93
- 107580 - fm = 58.345199585 - dumping freeMemory -2500 records