Do you know a simple (or not simple) way to hide a view (or anything like a view) and let the other views of the screen use the place left blank ? And make the opposite when showing back that view. Something like Android Visibility = GONE for layers.
As far as I know, using setHidden=YES only hide the view from the screen but does not rearrange anything around it.
On Android, there are 2 hidding method. One like visibility = HIDE, and the other : visibility = GONE.
Let's say we have 3 views each with an height of 100px. On Android : If you set view2 visibility = HIDE, it just hides, and nothing else happens. If you set view2 visibilty = GONE, the view2 hides from the screen and the view3 automaticaly takes the place freed by view2.
That's what I'm looking to on the iPhone. I imagine there no auto way to do this but do you know any snippet or code making this possible ?
Thank you