Where can I find the primefaces tag library docume

2019-06-24 01:28发布


Where can I find primefaces tag library documentation such as this: http://primefaces.prime.com.tr/docs/tag/index.html ?

I already have the jar, the sources of the primefaces. The apidoc supplied is "primefaces 2.2.RC2 API", not the "Tag Library Documentation Generator - Generated Documentation"

Maybe I should try generating it from the source, or maybe from the JAR (although I think the javadocs are not in the bytecodes) ?


Here lies the answer

ethermion : Descriptions were dropped for 2.2. Nothing to do with Netbeans. It is what you've got.

optimus.prime : Descriptions will only be available in documentation to promote the PrimeFaces User's Guide 2.2.

And this is another thread started by me


The best that I could find is the User guide, in which you could find the whole elements with his characteristics



Since shortly, PrimeFaces has new tag library and API documentation. See also this blog entry.

PrimeFaces API and VDL Docs are now available online. These are additional resources to the reference user’s guide.

For Primefaces v.3.5 :

  • API Docs
  • VDL Docs

P.S. Thanks to PrimeFaces Users BalusC and Arjan Tijms for their great work on VDL Doc generator!

Update: for other/newer versions (as of now, 3.4, 3.5, 4.0 and 5.0 are available), just browse the root folder of docs:

  • All API Docs
  • All VDL Docs


if you need .tld file, you can find one in jar: in META-INF folder. It is called primefaces-i.tld


There's a separate JAR on the download page that contains the source code, and you could use the taglibrarydoc tool to generate the documentation from that.

I don't think you'll find a premade tag library documentation for an RC (release candidate) version.


Here is the statement to the same question from another user:


Javadocs are bundled with zip packages, but for latest 2.2.M1 it is not available. You can use 2.1's bundle to get javadocs though.

With upcoming 2.2.RC1, java and tag docs will be available via bundles distributions.

Look at http://forum.primefaces.org/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=4575


Now the Solution of adding the primefaces Tag Library is in the User guides 3.xx edition itself and we can implement it with the updated Tag library as

html xmlns:p="http://primefaces.org/ui" 
