
Globalize3 order records by translated attributes

2019-06-24 00:44发布


Im having troubles with awesome Globalize3 gem. For now I`m having two languages :en and :ru. And :ru falls back to :en like this

Globalize.fallbacks = {:ru => [:ru, :en]}

In my controller I am trying to sort the whole collection of translated records either by name translations or by translations fallback values. But with_translations() does not seem to give me such opportunity!

Country.with_translations(:ru).order('country_translations.name ASC')
#this filters out those who have no :ru translations (BUT THEY SHOLD USE FALLBACKS!)

so to retrieve all records i can pass an array of locales:

Country.with_translations([:ru, :en]).order('country_translations.name ASC')
#but this completely ruins the sorting order (DAMN NOTHING IS SORTED)

and the only simple thing i want is to get fallbacks and sorting all togather! So we need somehow get all records only sorted by available name value.

Is there any way?


Solved this by digging into Globalize3 source. It uses with_locales scope to get records that have proper locales present. I just needed them all:

       order('model_translations.name ASC')

Hope it will help someone!


Would have left this as a comment, but don't have the reputation yet, so figured I might as well leave this as an answer.

  1. In Rails 4, that query as it is currently written throws a long deprecation warning about implicit joins (which is what you're doing by referencing the model_translations table in the where cause).

  2. I believe you are trying return Model records, not Model::Translation records. As such, I think you can swap the includes for a join, which should be more performant and gets rid of the deprecation warning.

In my Rails 4 app, the join worked perfectly, but I haven't tested it in Rails 3.