Im having troubles with awesome Globalize3 gem. For now I`m having two languages :en and :ru. And :ru falls back to :en like this
Globalize.fallbacks = {:ru => [:ru, :en]}
In my controller I am trying to sort the whole collection of translated records either by name translations or by translations fallback values. But with_translations()
does not seem to give me such opportunity!
Country.with_translations(:ru).order(' ASC')
#this filters out those who have no :ru translations (BUT THEY SHOLD USE FALLBACKS!)
so to retrieve all records i can pass an array of locales:
Country.with_translations([:ru, :en]).order(' ASC')
#but this completely ruins the sorting order (DAMN NOTHING IS SORTED)
and the only simple thing i want is to get fallbacks and sorting all togather! So we need somehow get all records only sorted by available name value.
Is there any way?