I wanna vectorize a txt file containing my training corpus for the OneClassSVM classifier. For that I'm using CountVectorizer from the scikit-learn library. Here's below my code:
def file_to_corpse(file_name, stop_words):
array_file = []
with open(file_name) as fd:
corp = fd.readlines()
array_file = np.array(corp)
stwf = stopwords.words('french')
for w in stop_words:
vectorizer = CountVectorizer(decode_error = 'replace', stop_words=stwf, min_df=1)
X = vectorizer.fit_transform(array_file)
return X
When I run my function on my file (around 206346 line) I get the following error and I can't seem to understand it:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "svm.py", line 93, in <module>
File "/home/imane/anaconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sklearn/svm/classes.py", line 1028, in fit
super(OneClassSVM, self).fit(X, np.ones(_num_samples(X)), sample_weight=sample_weight,
File "/home/imane/anaconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sklearn/utils/validation.py", line 122, in _num_samples
" a valid collection." % x)
TypeError: Singleton array array(<536172x13800 sparse matrix of type '<type 'numpy.int64'>'
with 1952637 stored elements in Compressed Sparse Row format>, dtype=object) cannot be considered a valid collection.
Can somebody please help me solve this problem? I've been stuck for a while :).