Can I do the following in PHP?
$lstrClassName = 'Class';
$lstrMethodName = 'function';
$laParameters = array('foo' => 1, 'bar' => 2);
The solution I'm using now, is by calling the function with eval() like so:
I'm curious if there is a beter way to solve this.
You don't need eval to do that ... depending on your version
class Test {
function hello() {
echo "Hello ";
function world() {
return new Foo ();
class Foo {
function world() {
echo " world" ;
return new Bar() ;
function baba() {
class Bar {
function world($name) {
echo $name;
$class = "Test";
$hello = "hello";
$world = "world";
$object = new $class ();
$object->$hello ();
$object->$world ()->$world ();
$object->$world ()->$world ()->$world(" baba ");
Hello World baba
And if you are using PHP 5.4 you can just call it directly without having to declare variables
You might also want to look at call_user_func
Did you try your code? The best way to find out if something will work is by trying it. If you do try it, you will find that yes, it does work (assuming that $this
has a property called Class
which is an instance of an object that defines a method called function
There are also the two functions call_user_func()
and call_user_func_array()
I would suggest you call_user_func_array which can be used for functions and for arrays rather than eval.
However the syntax is different from what you suggested, and the fact that I tend to avoid eval while possible, you can use it with:
To call it with objects, just do it like:
$return=call_user_func_array(array($objInstance, "CLASSMETHOD"), $paramArray);
Untested but