Suppose we have a programming language ℤ which has the following syntax:
ℤ := 0 | 1 | (+ ℤ ℤ) | (* ℤ ℤ) | (- ℤ ℤ) | (max ℤ ℤ)
For convenience, we can define new binding forms in our language as follows:
(not x) = (- 1 x)
(abs x) = (- (max 0 (+ x x)) x)
(min x y) = (- 0 (max (- 0 x) (- 0 y)))
(nil x) = (not (min 1 (abs x)))
This language is powerful enough to express branching and comparison operators:
(if x y z) = (+ (* x y) (* (not x) z))
(eq x y) = (nil (- x y))
(ne x y) = (not (eq x y))
(le x y) = (nil (max 0 (- x y)))
(gt x y) = (not (le x y))
(ge x y) = (le y x)
(lt x y) = (not (ge x y))
Now, the question is whether we can define integer division is this language:
(div x y) = ?
(rem x y) = (- x (* y (div x y)))
I don't think that it's possible to define (div x y)
because ℤ doesn't have loops. However, I don't know how to prove it. Note that if it's possible then the result of (div x 0)
doesn't matter. Hence, either define (div x y)
or prove that it's impossible to do so.
It's impossible.
Call a function f : Z -> Z
eventually polynomial if there exists a polynomial p
with integer coefficients and a threshold t
such that, for every x > t
, we have f(x) = p(x)
. Let d(x) = [x/2]
be floor division by two. d
is not eventually polynomial, because the difference sequence of d
has infinitely many zeros (f(2y) = y = f(2y+1)
for all y
), whereas the difference sequence of every non constant polynomial has finitely many. It suffices to show that all implementable functions are eventually polynomial.
The proof proceeds by structural induction. 0
and 1
are polynomial. It's straightforward to show that sums, products, and differences of eventually polynomial functions are eventually polynomial: use the max of the two thresholds and the fact that the set of polynomials is closed under these operations. All that remains is closure under max
Let f
be eventually polynomial via a polynomial p
, and g
be eventually polynomial via a polynomial q
. If p = q
, then clearly x |-> max(f(x), g(x))
is eventually polynomial via the same polynomial. Otherwise, observe that p - q
has finitely many real roots. Setting the threshold to an upper bound on the roots, we observe that the max function is eventually polynomial via p
or q
since the other case of the max never triggers here.
A combination of recursion and branching will give you loops.
(div x y) = (iff gte(x y) (+ 1 (div((- x y) y))) 0)
In more functional terms, we're doing repeated subtraction. If x >= y, add one to the quotient, subtract y from x, and recur. Otherwise, return 0.
if x >=y
return 1 + div(x-y y)
return 0