I am having difficulties with my Canvas-implementation which I open in an overlay. The canvas element is 760px wide and 2640px high (I know, don't ask).
I am drawing lines at every 27.5px high.
ctx.moveTo(0, y);
ctx.lineTo(760, y);
ctx.strokeStyle = 'rgb(100,100,100)';
Appearantly the browser seems to 'choke' on this when creating the canvas. Eventually it comes through (1-5secs) and memory is raised by 20MB.
Closing the overlay does not seem to free this memory. When I reopen the overlay (which redraws the canvas), the memory is again increased. And so on, and so on... My chrome process goes from 60MB memory to 600+ in no time this way.
Resizing the canvas to 264px high and drawing lines at every 2.75px goes way faster and consumes only about 4MB (which also does not seem to be cleared of course).
Who has some pointers on how to avoid this.
Here is more code data is an array of objects containing an Entries property which is also an array.
[ { Entries : [{...},{...},...] }, {...}, ... ]
var $canvas = container.find('canvas')
, canvas = $canvas.get(0)
, maxY = canvas.height
, maxX = canvas.width
, dX = maxX / (data.length + 1)
, ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
var x1, y1, y2, mh;
$.each(data, function (i, day) {
if (!day.Entries) return;
$.each(day.Entries, function (j, entry) {
x1 = (i + 1) * dX;
mh = entry.BeginDate.toHourMinutes();
y1 = (((mh.h * 60) + mh.m) / 1440) * maxY;
mh = entry.EndDate.toHourMinutes();
y2 = (((mh.h * 60) + mh.m) / 1440) * maxY;
switch (entry.Type) {
ctx.rect(x1, y1, dX - 10, y2 - y1);
ctx.fillStyle = "rgb(125, 125, 125)";
ctx.clearRect(x1, y1, dX, y2 - y1);
delete x1, y1, y2, mh;
//Draw grid on canvas.
var x = 0
, y = +0.5
, stepYH = maxY / 24
, stepYQ = stepYH / 4
, isHour = true;
ctx.lineWidth = 1;
while (y < maxY) {
isHour = (((y - 0.5) % stepYH) == 0);
ctx.moveTo(isHour ? x : x + dX, y);
ctx.lineTo(maxX, y);
ctx.strokeStyle = isHour ? 'rgb(175,175,175)' : 'rgb(100,100,100)';
y += stepYQ;