I am trying to get my controller to forward a POST request to another controller with some parameters:
public String processSubmit(@Valid Voter voter, BindingResult result,
request.setAttribute("firstName", voter.getFirstName());
request.setAttribute("lastName", voter.getLastName());
request.setAttribute("ssn", voter.getSsn());
logger.info("VoterID exists, forwarding to /question/prepare");
return "forward:/question/prepare";
The problem that I am facing is that /question/prepare points to a Controller method that handles only HTTP GET requests.
@RequestMapping(value="/prepare", method=RequestMethod.GET)
public String prepareVoterBean(@RequestParam String firstName,
@RequestParam String lastName, @RequestParam String ssn, Model model) {
logger.info("QuestionController got GET REQUEST for " + firstName + lastName + ssn);
VoterBean bean = new VoterBean();
return "questionPage";
Is there a way to forward the request to prepareVoterBean as a HTTP GET request? Thanks.