The following is algorithm summary given to us by our professor.
What is the parent of a node in a graph as referred to in step 3? I'm a little confused as I though that the nodes only had neighbors and doesn't have a parent?
My second question is about step 3, "pick up the index’th record in stack." Since a stack only allows you to view the top, I'm not sure what it means by picking up the index'th record?
Dijkstra’s shortest path:
Step 0: if s == d, stop.
Step 1: current node c= s, c.length = 0, stack.push (c, its length, and parent).
If u is the source s then no need for parent.
Step 2: min = 0, hop = infinite, index = 1
Step 3: pick up the index’th record in stack, say node u, its length u.length,
and its parent w.
Step 4: find a neighbor of u in the table of neighbors, say v, such that v is
not found in any item in stack and <u,v> +u.length< hop.
Step 5: if such a neighbor is found, hop=min=u.length + <u,v> and record_node = v
Step 6: go to step 4 until all the neighbors of u have been tried (all can be
found in stack).
Step 7: index ++, go to step 3 until all the nodes have been tried (found in
Step 8: c = record_node, c.length = min, stack_push(c, c.length, u). If c == d
stop the entire process and goes to step 9 for data collection,
otherwise go to step 2.
Step 9: (t, d.length, and t.parent) = (d, d.length, and d.parent) in stack,
keep searching on (t.parent, t.parent.length, t.parent.parent),
until t.parent = s.