trying to use this tutorial on 64-bit windows 8 with netbeans and cygwin 4.8.1.
i get many errors like this: /usr/include/w32api/GL/glu.h:68:79: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘*’ token.
on statements like this: void APIENTRY gluQuadricCallback(GLUquadric *qobj,GLenum which,void (CALLBACK *fn)());
the pointer on error message points to the * before the fn().
edit: including windef.h gets rid of the compiler error messages.
i am left with a bunch of undefined references like: glfwInit
edit2: using André Fischer's ideas, i can get a clean compile (you need to add the directory and a -l option for the linker).
i now have a: skipping incompatible ../../../../../Windows/SysWOW64/opengl32.dll when searching for -lopengl32 and: undefined reference to `_imp_vsnprintf'. so it looks like i have a 32/64 bit problems and an undefined external.
there must be a saner way to get opengl working on windows.
I assume you mean Tutorial 1: Opening a Window and are using Netbeans' builtin build system instead of CMake.
The order in which you include the header files is important (source). Try it like this:
#include <windef.h> // According to comments above
#include <GL/glew.h> // Before any gl headers
#include <GL/gl.h>
//#include <GL/glext.h> // Linux headers
//#include <GL/wglext.h> // Windows headers - Not sure which ones cygwin needs. Just try it
#include <GL/glu.h> // Always after gl.h
#include <GL/glfw.h> // When all gl-headers have been included
Create a directory named "include" in your project directory with a subfolder "GL".
Grab the binaries (32 bit, MinGW) from the GLFW Download Site and put the .dll/.so into your build-folder (Or extract them somewhere and add them to the search directories) and the header files into "include/GL".
Also the glfw code in the tutorial is slightly outdated; It does not work with glfw3 anymore.
You'll have to update it using GLFW's conversion guide/try this version (which I haven't been able to test, since I'm currently not at home) or use glfw2.
Finally download the GLEW sources and build it by following the instructions in the README.txt. Put the .dll/.so into your build-folder (or add to search directories) and the header files into "include/GL".
Add following to your Compiler-Flags:
Finally add following arguments to your Linker:
-L/lib -lglu32 -lopengl32 -lGL -lGLU -lglfw -lglew
You should be able to compile the tutorial now.
Edit: Added instructions for building GLEW, GLFW and completed my answer to include building everything from scratch.
Edit2: Linked glfw3-version of the tutorial-code.
Edit3: Added missing linker options.