I have an adjacency list defined as shown below. At this point I need to access vertex_descriptor as an int type. How can I do that tvertex source = ...; int source_as_int = ???source???
I remember bumping into this same question before and solved it but don't remember how and the BGL documentation is useless using it as reference, they should try to take a look at and learn from Javadocs.
Another possibility is to use a possible member function of the vertex_descriptor
type or otherwise some of the global BGL functions for this purpose ... one never knows where to look for this and they seem to randomly choose between making global functions or member functions, a total fail of an intuitive design if you ask me.
typedef adjacency_list_traits<setS, setS, bidirectionalS> ttraits;
typedef adjacency_list<setS, setS, bidirectionalS,
// vertex properties
property<vertex_color_t, default_color_type>,
// edge properties
property<edge_capacity_t, int,
property<edge_residual_capacity_t, int,
property<edge_reverse_t, ttraits::edge_descriptor> > >, no_property, vecS> tbgl_adjlist_bidir;
typedef graph_traits<tbgl_adjlist_bidir>::vertex_descriptor tvertex;
typedef graph_traits<tbgl_adjlist_bidir>::edge_descriptor tedge;
typedef property_map<tbgl_adjlist_bidir, edge_capacity_t>::type tedge_capacity_map;
typedef property_map<tbgl_adjlist_bidir, edge_reverse_t>::type treverse_edge_map;
typedef property_map<tbgl_adjlist_bidir, vertex_color_t>::type tvertex_color_map;
typedef graph_traits<tbgl_adjlist_bidir>::out_edge_iterator tout_edge_iterator;
typedef graph_traits<tbgl_adjlist_bidir>::in_edge_iterator tin_edge_iterator;
OK I figured it out. Adding the vertex property vertex_index_t
solves the problem. I can then access the int index of the vertex like this:
typedef adjacency_list_traits<setS, vecS, bidirectionalS> ttraits;
typedef adjacency_list<setS, vecS, bidirectionalS,
// vertex properties
property<vertex_index_t, int,
property<vertex_color_t, default_color_type> >,
// edge properties
property<edge_capacity_t, int,
property<edge_residual_capacity_t, int,
property<edge_reverse_t, ttraits::edge_descriptor> > >, no_property, vecS> tbgl_adjlist_bidir;
typedef graph_traits<tbgl_adjlist_bidir>::vertex_descriptor tvertex;
typedef graph_traits<tbgl_adjlist_bidir>::edge_descriptor tedge;
typedef property_map<tbgl_adjlist_bidir, edge_capacity_t>::type tedge_capacity_map;
typedef property_map<tbgl_adjlist_bidir, edge_reverse_t>::type treverse_edge_map;
typedef property_map<tbgl_adjlist_bidir, vertex_color_t>::type tvertex_color_map;
typedef property_map<tbgl_adjlist_bidir, vertex_index_t>::type tvertex_index_map;
typedef graph_traits<tbgl_adjlist_bidir>::vertex_iterator tvertex_iterator;
typedef graph_traits<tbgl_adjlist_bidir>::edge_iterator tedge_iterator;
typedef graph_traits<tbgl_adjlist_bidir>::out_edge_iterator tout_edge_iterator;
typedef graph_traits<tbgl_adjlist_bidir>::in_edge_iterator tin_edge_iterator;
then I use it like this:
tbgl_adjlist_bidir bgl_adjlist_bidir;
// ...
tvertex_index_map indices = get(vertex_index, bgl_adjlist_bidir);
// ...
tvertex source;
// ...
int source_as_int = indices[source];
The type of a vertex_descriptor
depends on the underlying structure of the VertexListS
-template parameter of adjacency_list
. The only case i know of, where the descriptor is an int
is, when the VertexList-Type is vecS
. But keep in mind: If you choose vecS
as your VertexList-Type all (stored) descriptors can become invalid, when you change the structure of your graph(as described in Iterator and Descriptor Stability/Invalidation).
Could I interest you in using custom vertex and edge types instead? They're much, much easier to work with in your own code. And as for calling on BGL algorithms, you can use Bundled Properties.